New Playdown Registration

By | November 7, 2024

The league is going to try something new for Playdown registration. We are going to use your current team bond as the registration fee for Playdowns and as long as your team plays all their scheduled games the League will not need to return a check or cash to team reps.  If your team fails to complete the tournament then the team bond of $124 will need to replaced before your team can register for the Spring Season. 

Please respond to the both email addresses and with your team name if your team is to participate in Playdowns. Women’s Playdown Registration deadline is Nov. 23 and Coed’s Playdown Registration deadline is Nov. 25.  

Women’s Playdowns will be held Dec. 7 and 8 most likely at ToddHarris and Coed Playdowns will be held Dec. 14 and 15 most likely at ToddHarris.  Your team must commit to being able to play both scheduled days.